Request body (JSON.parsed if possible).
Unparsed request body.
Parsed Cookie header.
All headers of the request with only the first value. They are stored here in their original
form but the spec requires that header keys are treated as case-insensitive.
Use headersLowerCase
for easier retrieval.
All headers of the request with only the first value, keys in lower case.
GET, POST, PUT, etc...
A work area for Routes to add properties to. This can be used to sneak information from routes that preprocess to later routes; for example auth credentials.
All headers of the request including all values. They are stored here in their original
form but the spec requires that header keys are treated as case-insensitive.
Use multiValueHeadersLowerCase
for easier retrieval.
All headers of the request including all values, keys in lower case.
The parsed URI query parameters including all values.
The request URI path. eg: /foo/bar
The parsed URI path parameters.
The parsed URI query parameters with only their first value.
API Gateway event context.
Configuration attributes associated with a deployment stage of an API.
Require that the given query parameters are not set. If any parameter in this list is set a RestError is thrown.
Require that the given header field is set.
Require that the given header field is set and has one of the given values.
Require that the given header field is set and satisfies the validator function.
Require that the given query parameter is set. If the parameter is not set a RestError is thrown.
Require that the given query parameter is set and has one of the given values. If the parameter is not set or does not take on one of the given values a RestError is thrown.
Require that the given query parameter is set and satisfies the validator function. If the parameter is not set or does not satisfy the given validator function a RestError is thrown.
Validate the body of the request using JSON Schema.
JSON Schema is a concise way to define a valid JSON object. The spec and examples can be found at with additional help at .
The actual implementation comes from .
Require that only the given query parameters are set. No parameter in this list has to be set, but if any parameter is set that is not in this list a RestError will be thrown.
Generated using TypeDoc
Input to the HTTP router. Based on the ProxyEvent but enriched.